Many people believe that if they have a bad credit score, then they cannot get a home loan. However, this is not true, since bad credit home loans are readily available. If you have bad credit and you apply for a home loan, then more emphasis is placed on the down payment required on the bad credit home loan.
The down payments on the bad credit home loans usually range from 3% to 5%. If you do not have enough money to pay the down payment, then you can borrow it from a friend or a relative. However, before doing that, you must check with your bad credit home loan lending company, because some companies do not allow this. Once you finance your home, you should be able to get a second and a third mortgage, and then you can repay your friend or relative.
If you do not want to borrow money to pay the down payment of your bad credit home loan, then an alternative is to look for a down payment assistance program. These programs legalize down payments, which otherwise are usually illegal.
To easily convince the lenders to provide you with a bad credit home loan, you must try and improve your credit rating. To do this, you must make sure that you pay all your bills on time, and buy a major credit card, if you do not have one. Also, you must keep a check on your credit score and credit report.
In deciding whether or not to provide you a bad credit home loan, the lending companies focus on a number of factors such as loan-to-value ratio, monthly income, and debt-to-income ratio. However, there is always a scope of negotiation, and thus you should not hesitate in negotiating for more favorable terms on the bad credit home loan.
How to Do Bad Credit Refinance
You may have heard that people with bad credit can't get anything financed. Well that's a myth because there are many companies that will offer you refinancing and loans no matter what your credit rating looks like. Therefore how to do bad credit refinance is not a problem. But how can one tell if they have bad credit? The major indicators of whether or not you have bad credit are the following:
*If you have a FICO score of 620 or lower *In the past 12 months you have had two or more 30-day delinquencies *Or in the past 12 months, you have had a 60-day delinquency *If there has been a foreclosure or a charge off against you in the past 12 months *If you have filed for bankruptcy in the past 60 months or have been declared as bankrupt *If you're debt-to-income ratio is 50% higher (simply stated your income can't cover the debt expenses)
It's best to know your credit scores before you make a decision how to do bad credit refinance any other loan. The other areas to look for are the loan amount that you are seeking, credit reputation that you have (that is your credit score and your history), and the collateral that you willing to put up (roughly the amount that equal to your loan amount), and of course the ability that you can pay back the debt. Therefore lenders always prefer lower score borrowers than those with higher scores.
Look for lenders who process loans in-house rather than outsourcing for credit refinance. This saves time as well as money. Also, look for experienced loan counselors who can give you the best advice. Some companies will also offer you the facility to check for the status of your loan online 24/7. Shop around for rates and various terms and conditions. The longer you shop, the better chance you will have of finding your ideal refinance package.
With online Internet access you can easily shop and compare companies who are very competitive to earn your business. Today's consumer are now empowered because of the many websites that are availble to get a bad credit home loan or a bad credit refinance.
About the author:
Dean Shainin is a consultant specializing in home loans, strategies for loan financing, home equity loans, and consolidation loan information. To see a list of recommended loan companies, tools, resources, free quotes and information, visit this site: target=_blank>Bad Credit Refinance Home Loan
Written by: Dean Shainin
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